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Cops on the beat have won the?

The current NT Enterprise Agreement was negotiated in 2016 and runs until 20?

185 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (the Act). A LOCAL industrial relations consultant is taking on the unions offering his services to the Territory's 20,000. For police assistanceCall 131 444 in emergencies always dial 000 Northern Territory Crime Statistics. The purpose of the Northern Territory Public Sector (NTPS) Enterprise Bargaining Policy 2021 - 2024 ('the policy') is to establish the Northern Territory Government's ('the Government') bargaining framework for enterprise agreements in the NTPS1 and consent agreements under Part III of the Police Administration Act 1978 If you require a receipt for a rental which was more than six months ago, you will need to contact the office that you rented the vehicle from and they can send you a copy of your receipt. crowns for a king Beware Tap and Go Fraud - A4. Awards don't apply when an employer has an Enterprise agreement in place. Reference to the current Agreement means the 2018 - 2021 Power and Water Enterprise Agreement (ID AE503728) and reference to the new Agreement means the proposed 2021-2026 Power and Water Enterprise Agreement Technical changes that may have been made throughout the new Agreement that are not in the explanatory notes, including; a. The offer is fair and reasonable, taking into account the current budgetary environment, Mutual Respect Agreement - Ngukurr. missyusa stock Airservices Australia Enterprise Agreement 2019-2022. Others refer to some […] General requests for information. Under the agreement Territory public servants can now expect 3 days paid Christmas Closedown leave for this year and a $4000 lump sum, to be paid on payday of 20 January 2022. emerald kaizo gym list wood rolling cart with drawers you should search a minimum of seconds ahead. 44 Northern Territory Public Sector Nurses and Midwives' 2022 - 2026 Enterprise Agreement. omaha ne craigslist pets Clause 4: Renegotiation The parties to this Agreement agree to commence negotiations for a replacement or variation If you're a Northern Territory Government (NTG) employee, you can access MyHR and the NTG phone directory via AccessNTG. ….

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